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Adoption Bibliography

Eventually, I will post the rest of my paper, but I think it appropriate to post the Bibliography, and I have some use for having it available online. This represents only the sources used in my paper, not the full extent of sources considered.

“Adoption is the Best Option” (a really good example of misleading appeals to emotion.)

Alternate Religions Educational Network. Alternate Religions Educational Network (AREN) accessed Nov 26, 2009.

Babb, L. Anne. Ethics In American Adoption. Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey 1999.

Baptist Children’s Home and Family Services (BCHFS) Accessed Sept 9, 2009.

Barrett, William P. “Americas Most (and least) Efficient Charities.” Forbes Nov 2004

Bender, Karen E., & Nina de Gramont, eds.. Choice: True Stories of Birth, Contraception, Infertility, Adoption, Single Parenthood, & Adoption. San Francisco, CA: MacAdam-Cage 2007

Berne, Emma Carlson. Teen Pregnancy. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven. 2007

Bethany Christian Services.. accessed Sept 14, 2009

Blank, Barbara T. “Jewish Adoption in America.” My Jewish Learning Accessed Nov. 26, 2009.

Blanton, Terril L. & Jeanne Deschner. “Biological Mother’s Grief: the postadoptive experience in open vs. confidential adoptions.” Child Welfare 69:6 Nov-Dec 1990.

Blau, Eric. Stories of Adoption. Portland, OR: New Sage Press, 1993.

Bohman, Michael & Sören Sigvarddson. “Outcome in Adoption: Lessons from Longitudinal Studies.” In Brodzinsky, D. & M. Schecter, eds. The Psychology of Adoption, New York, NY: Oxford Univ. Press 1990.

“Britnie.” “Our Adoption Calling,” Bringing Justice tor Orphans Feb 2009. accessed Nov 20, 2009.

Brodzinsky, D. & M. Schecter, eds. The Psychology of Adoption, New York, NY: Oxford Univ. Press 1990

Browning, Don. S. Martha Christian Green & John Witte. Sex Marriage and Family in World Religions. West Sussex, NY: Columbia Univ. Press 2006.

Broyde, Michael J. “Adoption, Legal Status and Jewish Law.” In Jackson, Timothy. The Morality of Adoption. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm B. Eerdmans, 2005.

Burch, Eve. “A Greater Love.” Ensign. Jun 2006.

Cahill, Lisa S. “Adoption; A Roman Catholic Perspective.” In Jackson, Timothy. The Morality of Adoption. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm B. Eerdmans, 2005.

Cameron, Gary Gerald R. Adams, & Nick Coady. Moving Toward Positive Systems of Child and Family Welfare: Current Issues Waterlo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press, 2007.

Carangelo, Lori, comp. Statistics of Adoption 2005 Edition. Americans for Open Adoption Records (AmFOR), citing other sources. Accessed Sept 14, 2009.

Chilton, Bruce R. Rabbi Jesus: an intimate biography. New York: Doubleday, 2002

Cole, E., & K.Donnely “History, values and placement policy issues in adoption. In Brodzinsky, D. & M. Schecter, eds. The Psychology of Adoption, New York, NY: Oxford Univ. Press 1990.

Corby, Brian. Applying Research to Social Work. Buckingham, GBR: Open Univ. Press, 2006

Coward, Harold & Philip Cook, eds. Religious Dimensions of Child and Family Life: Reflections of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child. Victoria, BC: Center for Study of Religion in Society, Univ. of Victoria. 1996.

Cushman, Linda F, Debra Kalmuss & Pamela Namerow. “Placing an Infant for Adoption: The Experiences of Young Birthmothers.” Social Work 38:3 May 1993

Dorff, Elliot N. Love Your Neighbor and Yourself: a Jewish Approach to Modern Personal Ethics. Philladephia, PA: Jewish Publication Society, 2003.

Feminist Women’s Health Center. “Beware of Anti-abortion Crisis Pregnancy Centers.” All About Abortion. Accessed Nov 27, 2009

Fessler, Ann. The Girls Who Went Away: The hidden history of women who surrendered children for adoption in the decades before Roe v. Wade. New York, NY 2006

Fieweger, Mary Ellen. “Stolen Children and International Adoption.” Child Welfare 70:2 Mar-Apr 1991.

Foli, Karen J. & John R Thompso.. The Post Adoption Blues: Overcoming the unforeseen challenges of adoption. Rodale/St. Martins Press. 2004.

Gangoli, Geetanjali. Indian Feminism: Law Patriarchies and Violence in India. Univ. of Bristol. 2007

“Go Forth and Multiply a Lot Less.” Economist Oct 31/2009. accessed Nov 26, 2009

Harvey, Peter. Introduction to Buddhist Ethics. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2000.

Herman, Ellen. “Baby Farming.” The Adoption History Project. Univ.of Oregon. 2007 accessed Sept 14, 2009.

---. “First Specialized Adoption Agencies” The Adoption History Project. Univ. of Oregon. 2007 accessed Sept 14, 2009.

---. “Outcome Studies.’ The Adoption History Project. Univ. of Oregon. 2007 accessed Sept 14, 2009.

“Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act (HAMA).” 1957

Hoogeveen, Niels “Adopted Child Syndrome” Pound Pup Legacy 2007 accessed Sept 19, 2009.

---. “Not for Profit?” Pound Pup Legacy Feb 21, 2008 accessed Nov 26, 2009.

IChooseAdoption. “Is Adoption the Right Choice for You and Your Baby.” IChooseAdoption, National Council for Adoption (NCFA undated)

Irfan, Hwaa. “What Future Muslim Orphans.” Islam Online. Apr 2005

Jackson, Timothy. The Morality of Adoption. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm B. Eerdmans, 2005

Jacobs, Rabbi Louis. “The Mamzer Problem.” My Jewish Learning accessed Nov 24, 2009. Excerpted from The Jewish Religion: a Companion. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 2003

Jaffee, Benson & David Fanshel. How They Fared in Adoption: a Follow Up Study. New York, NY: Columbia Univ. Press, 1970

Jewish Child Care Association (JCCA). “Jewish Adoption FAQs.” Jewish Child Care Association Accessed Nov 26, 2009

“Kerry” & Neils Hoogeveen. “ The Religious Right and Adoption.” Pound Pup Legacy. Sept 13, 2009.

Kirschner, David. “The Adopted Child Syndrome: Considerations for Psychotherapy.” Psychotherapy in Private Practice Vol 8(3), 1990. pp. 93-100.

LDS Family Services. “It’s About Love: Adopting with LDS Family Services.” accessed Nov 26, 2009.

--- “It’s About Love: Pregnant” accessed Nov 24, 2009

---. “Adoption and the Unwed Mother” Ensign. Feb 2002.

LDS First Presidency. “Policies and Announcements,” Ensign, Apr. 1999, 80

Lin, Victoria & Cynthia Dailard. “Crisis Pregnancy Centers Seek to Increase Political Clout, Secure Government Subsidy. The Guttmacher Report on Public Policy. #2. Nov 2002

Marcovitz, Hal. The Gallup Youth Survey: Teens & Sex. Broomall, PA. 2004

McLaughlin, Steven D, et. al. “Do Adolescents Who relinquish Their Children Fare Better or Worse Than Those Who Raise Them?” Family Planning Perspectives, Jan-Feb 1988. 25-32

Michaels, Axel and Barbara Harshav. Hinduism Past and Present. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ Press. 2004.

Moore, Kristin A, et. al. Adolescent Sex, Contraception and Child Bearing: A Review of Recent Research. Washington DC: Child Trends, Inc. 1995. Online at accessed Sept 14, 2009.

“My Daughter’s Choice.” Ensign Dec. 2004.

New Directions in Adoption. “Ameican Babies for Adoption: How They “Find” More American Babies for Adopters. New Directions in Adoption.

Pertman, Adam. Adoption Nation: How the adoption revolution is transforming America. New York, NY. Basic. 2000.

Post, Stephen G. “Adoption: A Protestant Agapic Perspective” in Jackson, Timothy ed. The Morality of Adoption. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm B. Eerdmans, 2005

Pound Pup Legacy. “Christian Alliance for Orphans.” Pound Pup Legacy. Sept 14, 2009.

---. “Child Trafficking Cases” Pound Pup Legacy. Sept 14, 2009.

Raymond, Barbara Bisantz. The Baby Thief: The untold story of Georgia Tann, the Baby Seller Who Corrupted Adoption. New York, NY: Carroll & Graf. 2007

Reavey, Pat. “5 From Agency in Utah Plead Guilty to Adoption Scam Involving Samoans.” Deseret News Jan 6, 2009

Religious Tolerance. “Punishment for Non-marital Sex in Islam” Religious Tolerance Sept 26, 2002. accessed Nov 26, 2009.

Sanger, Alexander. Beyond Choice: Reproductive Freedom in the 21st Century. New York, NY: Perseus Books Group, 2004.

Schecter, Marshall. “Observations in Adopted Children” Archives of General Psychiatry 3 Jul 1960.

Senden-Theis, Sophie van. How Foster Children Turn Out. Publication No. 165. New York, NY: State Charities Aid Association, 1924.

Thompson, Linda, “Adoption Scam Officials Ordered to Pay 100k Into Trust Fund.” Deseret News. Jul 16, 2009.

Sherman, Aliza. Everything You Need to Know About Placing Your Baby for Adoption. New York, NY: Rosen. 2001.

Sherr, Michael, John Singletary & robin K. Rogers. “Innovative Service or Proselytizing: Exploring When Services Delivery Becomes a Platform for Unwanted Religious Persuasion.” Social Work 14:2 Apr 2009

Solinger, Rickie. Beggars and Choosers: How the politics of choice shapes Adoption, Abortion, and Welfare in the United States. New York, NY: Hill & Wang, 2001

Strayhorn, Joseph M & Jillian C. Strayhorn. “Religiousity and Teen Birthrates in the United States.” Reproductive Health 6:14 Sept 2009 (pre publication)

Thompson, Regina, dir. BCHFS-Angels Cove – Personal correspondence with author Sept. 2009.

Volkman, Toby Alice. “Introduction” Social Text 1:1 Spring 2003, 1-5

Wegar, Katarina. Adoption, Identity, and Kinship: the debate over sealed birth records. New Haven, CT: Yale, 1997.

Wen, Patricia. “Catholic Charities stuns state, ends adoptions.” Boston Globe Mar 11, 2006.

“Wiccan Rede” The Celtic Connection. accessed Nov 26, 2009.

Williamson Community Chapel, Building the Church Williamson Community Cahpel.

Wilson, Andrew B. “Adoption – It’s Not Impossible,” Business Week. Jul 7, 1985. 112+


Unknown said…

Thank you for using our website as a resource. The article "Adopted Child Syndrome" ( was posted by me, but is written by David Kirschner.
Tad Wimmer said…
Thanks for the correction. I thought I had all of Kirschner's papers from another source and the article you posted was a summary.
Hi Tad,

I was 'revisiting' Y!A (Pip there) and glad I did as I saw your link. Will be coming back regularly to read more.

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