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Showing posts from May, 2019

The Logical Choice in the Abortion Debate

Let me begin this essay by stating unequivocally that I do not support or advocate for abortion. If a pregnant woman were to ask me for advice I would not counsel abortion unless there wasn't any other viable alternative after ensuring that the woman was aware of the physical and emotional consequences. Like most political questions, Reproductive Rights has multiple facets. At its core, it is a legal question. Roe v. Wade is legal case law, the new anti-abortion bills in Alabama, Missouri, Utah, etc. are legislative measures trying to create law as is the new Kansas Constitutional Amendment guaranteeing a woman's right to an abortion. Examined solely as a legal question, the question is, "when does the fetus acquire rights, and when do those rights supersede the mother's rights to bodily autonomy?" As a purely  legal matter, the answer is arbitrary. This can be clearly seen in the diversity of the new state laws running from Alabama's draconian legislation b...

Republican Obstructionism

As a career sailor in the U.S. Navy, I have taken the oath to "protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America" on four occasions. That oath is still binding, and it prompts me to write what follows. Members of Congress, both Representatives in the House and Senators take a similar oath. The point of this article is to illustrate that some members of the House and Senate are not living up to their responsibilities of that oath. The case for Congressional investigation The Report on the Investigation Into Russian Interference In the 2016 Presidential Election ( Mueller report) found, " The Russian Government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systemic fashion. Evidence of Russian government operations began to surface in mid-2016. In June, the Democratic National Committee and its cyber response team publicly announced that Russian hackers had compromised its compter network. Releases of hacked materials--hacks that pub...