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Showing posts from 2018

Denver Comic Con: The ultimate failure

I go to comic cons with my family to have a chance to get close to my favorite celebrities. The vendor floor is fun, but there's nothing there that I can't get online. And it's fun to see the cosplay. But the real attraction is the celebrities. Now you get maybe 5 seconds with each one for a photo-op, and maybe 10 for an autograph. So the real attraction is the celebrity panel. Being able to go to a celebrity's panel and listen to them tell stories of their careers, anecdotes of things that happened on set, of - in the case of John Barrowman - show up on stage is a TARDIS dress. So when a comic con gets the panels wrong, it can ruin the whole experience. Denver Comic Con not only got it wrong, they got it so wrong the people involved in the mistakes should publicly apologize, then resign from any future comic con productions. They got is so wrong they put people in physical danger, and could have easily sparked a riot of angry fans. The celebrity panels are run one ...