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Showing posts from August, 2017

Why I Challenge Islamaphobic Claims on Social Media

This afternoon I spent a good deal of time challenging a statement made by a friend on Facebook that " The majority of Muslims in the world believe in Sharia law and want it imposed on the world." Although it was fairly easy to show that his claim was a "hasty generalization," the discussion didn't permit an explanation of why I take issue with fallacious Islamaphobic rhetoric. I thought it would be a good topic for a blog post.  It is not disputed that we are in a conflict with radical elements of Islam, nor is it disputed that they consider us their enemy. These are real issues. But what are our objectives in dealing with this conflict? And what are their objectives? What strategies should we use to achieve our objectives? What is their strategy? Our Objectives We have two principal objectives: 1.) Eliminate domestic terrorism here in the US and elsewhere; and 2.) avoid a long, protracted ground war that we may not be able to win.  We also have sever...