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Showing posts from July, 2016

Burdens and Standards of Proof

My sister is a Democrat. The other day, the two of us were discussing the upcoming election and I told her I could not morally support either Trump or Clinton for president. There are many reasons why I cannot support either of them politically, but the moral question comes down to the integrity and competence of the candidates. Politi-fact has given Mr. Trump more "pants on fire" ratings in the run up to the RNC Convention than any other political figure since they started fact checking, he is defending three federal class-action fraud suits, including one involving the Racketeering and Corrupt Organisations statute, for fraud, and he displays symptoms of both a Narcissistic Personality Disorder and a Histrionic Personality Disorder. Clinton, on the other hand, has been accused of compromising classified State Department information. Both the State Department IG and the FBI Director have said that she was extremely careless. The FBI Director has said there was classified i...

In Memory of My Sister, Dora Maxine Wimmer Bevan Andelin

This is the eulogy I wrote for the funeral service of my eldest sister, Dora Maxine Wimmer Bevan Andelin. It isn't the exact words I spoke, but conveys the ideas behind them. (It's hard to read a prepared talk when one's eyes are filled with tears.) I'm publishing it at the request of one of my sister's grand daughters. Dora Maxine Wimmer Bevan Andelin January 12, 1937 - July 17, 2016 Services held July 21, 2016, Peel Mortuary, Magna, Utah Maxine Wimmer ca 1950 From Neva Wimmer's photo album Four score and, um, minus one, years ago, our father – and our mother… Come to think of it, Mom probably did most of the work here… brought forth into this world a new life, conceived in their love, and probably dedicated to being very cute, their first born child, a little girl. Mom told me the story of her birthday. It was January, 1937. Dad didn’t have a car, so he had to borrow his brother, Dee’s, to take Mom to the hospital. They were living here in ...