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Showing posts from July, 2009

The Future of Public Education

This week, Amy and I have been working on enrolling Mara, Peter, Neeva and Meyrick in Utah Virtual Academy . UTVA is a partially online charter school, headquartered in Murray, and operated by the K12 corporation. I believe that this type of school represents the future of publicly funded education. Here's why: Unless you've been living in a cave for the last two years, you know that the economy has been in a lengthy recession. Although the talking heads in Washington have been talking about "green shoots" and telling us that the bottom is near, and recovery immenent, the basic cancer that caused the recession hasn't been corrected, and has, in fact, been made significantly worse. Mssrs Bernanke, Geitner and Obama have a Herculean task ahead of them: They have to adjust the inflation of the money supply such that they neither cause the economy to slide into a deflationary depression or get sucked into hyper-inflation. They're hoping that they have enough wiggl...